Friday, June 24, 2011

summer, summer, summertime

That is what time it is folks! It is summatime here :) The great thing is, it doesn't really feel like it this week :) Temps in the low 80's and low to no humidity!! Makes this momma happy as a clam.

One more week and the kids are out of summer school and then the waiting begins. Waiting for what you ask? There cash money. If they don't miss any days of summer school, they each get a visa gift card for $100...yes EACH! They are still pondering what purchases to make, I suggested a new dishwasher but they aren't too keen on that idea.

Wanna hear something totally AWESOME?! I know ya do! I showed our oldest how to mow the lawn :) How awesome is that??? Really awesome! It was so nice to just sit there on the deck ( i had to make sure she didn't injure herself) and watch someone cut me grass for FREE! She didn't do too bad either, she has plenty of time to improve her skills :) I had recently updated the chore chart around here ( the old one had pics because 3 out of the 4 couldn't totally read at the time) so that I don't have to do much. I am preparing them to live on their own someday. They need to know how to vacuum, mop, mow the lawn and scrub the toilet. These are life skills people! They don't do perfect jobs but it makes my job a little easier.

Things are coming alone rather nicely for baby boys arrival. We have all of our big items now! I am so excited! He is also acquiring a very good wardrobe. He is constantly moving or poking me...often this is painful but totally worth it :) I can't wait to meet him. We have a growth ultrasound next week.....I fear that he is rather huge. I fear the hugeness because I look the same now at 27 wks as I did with E at 36 wks!! Not a good thing. I also have to go do my 3 hour glucose test because I failed my 1 hour :( Praying that it comes back fine.

Enjoy some summertime music :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

99 DAYS!!

We have 99 days until we meet our baby boy!!! I can't believe it! He is growing and moving all the time now. He gets the hiccups a few times a day and loves to hang out on my right side :)   I don't mind though because I love being pregnant!  I love knowing that there is this little miracle inside of me growing everyday. I love knowing that God has entrusted us with another child, we are so blessed!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A wonderful Day!

    Today is my 12 year wedding anniversary. Twelve years ago today I married my best friend and the man of my dreams. I never in my wildest dreams imagined my life would turn out this wonderful. I have a husband who treats me like a princess. I am more in love with him today and I didn't think that was possible!!
It is so nice to know that I have this wonderful man in my life to share every moment, good and bad. We have grown as a couple so much and it is amazing to see how our family has grown too. 5.5 kids in 12 years is pretty stinkin' good!!
I pray that the Lord blesses us with many, many more years together! I love you Adam!!  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We have been enjoying the outdoors the last few days. The kids have been swimming and playing outside. Evelyn has been LOVING playing outside! She has been splashing around in her little pool too! I have not been enjoying the outdoors because it is too stinkin' hot outside for me. I am not a hot weather type of gal. 

So, you ask what is the cryptonite mean? Oh, let me tell you. The heat is Evelyn's cryptonite!! The child wants to be outside all day but after about an hour out in the heat..............she is a mess! She falls to pieces. She doesn't know if she wants to go in or stay out, if she wants to swim or not. She cries for a while then is as happy as can be! It is craziness! So, I am trying to get her outside time in before the heat really hits but the only problem is when the big kids come home she wants to go back out with them. Hopefully she gets used to the heat soon and the meltdowns go away.