Saturday, September 10, 2011

He's here!!!

So, my c-section was scheduled for the 13th of September but Mr. Wyatt had different plans!  I started having random contractions on Sunday and they hurt REALLY bad! I even called the doc and he said since they were irregular not to worry about, I didn't. The contractions kinda got worse as Monday and Tuesday went by but I kinda just ignored it and acted like it was nothing....that's what I do.  See, I had a busy week and weekend planned and there was NO way I was going into labor now.  I had grocery shopping to do, weddings to go to, parties to attend and tons of little things to do around the house before the 13th.  See, I was in denial of what was going on because I was gonna beat it :)  I know, I'm crazy! 

Wednesday morning around 12:30am I decided to go to the living room because I wasn't sleeping because of the horrible cramps I was having.  I started timing the contractions and they were about 10 mins apart and hurt like crazy! After  a couple hours they were 6-8 mins apart and I was in big time hurt. I knew Adam would be up at 4 so I would just wait till then so he got some sleep. I know, I'm crazy :)  When he got up, he looked very concerned and wanted to call the doc. I told him no, I think we just need to go. So, we called my folks to come sit with the kids until we knew what was going on. I finished packing my suitcase and we waited for them.  I know they enjoy getting calls at 4 am to wake up and come over.

  Adam "tried" to drive the speed limit  the best he could....I love him :) The contractions were hurting worse as we got closer to the hospital. He dropped me off at the ER entrance and when I walked in they knew why I was there....they said I had "the look". I was wheeled up to L&D and checked in.  I was 4cm and 80% was time.  I was going to have my baby today!  I couldn't wait to get back in the OR so I could get my spinal because the contractions were killing me!  They had to bump a 7:30 csection because I was in active labor....that lady was not pleased.  We called everyone and let them know it was time.  I got back to the OR and got my spinal and was prepped for my c-section. Adam came back right before they started....he was excited :)   At 7:48 a.m.  Wyatt Joseph came into this world!  He weighed 8 lbs 2oz and was 20" long.  with a head of dark hair.....He is perfect :)