Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Journey

It's been a while! I am getting ready to embark on a new journey with my family.....homeschooling! I am excited and terrified at the same time. My kiddos are excited too. I think the terrified part will go away once we get everything in place and figured out, I like to have a plan. I am going to school my 4th, 5th and 6th grader and also my preschooler. I am still working out some things with my 9th grader and will know soon what our plan is there. I have had some wonderful friends share curriculum and advice with me this last week. It has been such a blessing to have them to talk to and share all my fears with. If you have any websites or homeschool blogs you really like, leave the link in the comments for me!

Monday, December 5, 2011


So, I guess having 6 kids makes you become a bad blogger. My life has been pretty crazy lately but then again it was never really sane. I have been trying to get used to our new family..... a family of 8!  You would think once you get to 4 kids it would be but a minor speed bump to add on. Well, it takes some adjusting time and I think we are finally getting it worked out. The older kids have been such great helpers with baby Wyatt. Evelyn has been working out her displacement issues, she is no longer the baby. Wyatt is starting to sleep a little better at night.  So, we are getting there. I am doing ok too. Don't get me wrong though, it's hard to be a mom to 6 kids. I am constantly being pulled over here and over there. It seems like somebody always needs something. Doesn't leave much time for me to sit and think.  I wouldn't trade it for the world though. I love each and every one of my kids and am so happy to be their mother.  I even smile when I look at the beautiful marker drawings on my walls :) 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Photo Card

Fun Merry Wishes Christmas
Turn your favorite photos into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

He's here!!!

So, my c-section was scheduled for the 13th of September but Mr. Wyatt had different plans!  I started having random contractions on Sunday and they hurt REALLY bad! I even called the doc and he said since they were irregular not to worry about, I didn't. The contractions kinda got worse as Monday and Tuesday went by but I kinda just ignored it and acted like it was nothing....that's what I do.  See, I had a busy week and weekend planned and there was NO way I was going into labor now.  I had grocery shopping to do, weddings to go to, parties to attend and tons of little things to do around the house before the 13th.  See, I was in denial of what was going on because I was gonna beat it :)  I know, I'm crazy! 

Wednesday morning around 12:30am I decided to go to the living room because I wasn't sleeping because of the horrible cramps I was having.  I started timing the contractions and they were about 10 mins apart and hurt like crazy! After  a couple hours they were 6-8 mins apart and I was in big time hurt. I knew Adam would be up at 4 so I would just wait till then so he got some sleep. I know, I'm crazy :)  When he got up, he looked very concerned and wanted to call the doc. I told him no, I think we just need to go. So, we called my folks to come sit with the kids until we knew what was going on. I finished packing my suitcase and we waited for them.  I know they enjoy getting calls at 4 am to wake up and come over.

  Adam "tried" to drive the speed limit  the best he could....I love him :) The contractions were hurting worse as we got closer to the hospital. He dropped me off at the ER entrance and when I walked in they knew why I was there....they said I had "the look". I was wheeled up to L&D and checked in.  I was 4cm and 80% was time.  I was going to have my baby today!  I couldn't wait to get back in the OR so I could get my spinal because the contractions were killing me!  They had to bump a 7:30 csection because I was in active labor....that lady was not pleased.  We called everyone and let them know it was time.  I got back to the OR and got my spinal and was prepped for my c-section. Adam came back right before they started....he was excited :)   At 7:48 a.m.  Wyatt Joseph came into this world!  He weighed 8 lbs 2oz and was 20" long.  with a head of dark hair.....He is perfect :) 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer is ending

Just when I thought it was the never-ending comes to a close.  The kids only have 2 days left of summer vacation!  I hope and pray that they had fun this summer. It was so incredibly hot out and that made it hard to find fun things for this pregnant momma to do.  We just got back from a super fun camping trip at Jellystone Park. The kids really like it there because they have tons of activities planned for them and they have a pool too :)   It only rained for a little while on Saturday so it wasn't bad at all. They got to dress up for Halloween because that was the them for the weekend.  
Evelyn was not too fond of her costume but quickly realized candy was involved and changed her attitude :)

I can't believe only 21 more days until we get to meet our newest addition!  In case I have mentioned it before he is a big boy. They are already estimating his weight to be about 7 pounds and he still has 3 more weeks to grow!!  I think I might just need to buy toddler clothes for him :)  I am very excited to meet him!

Monday, July 11, 2011


*Only 64 more days to go and we meet our newest little man :)  
*My baby girl turns 2 in 6 days!
*It is going to be 100* today before the heat index.
*I could really go for some Ted Drewes ice cream!
*It is 7-11 so that means you can get a free slushie at 7/11 today.
*It has been 4 years(yesterday) since I donated my kidney.
*I HATE onions!!!
*It is tough having a 12 year old.
*I have 2 younger sisters.
*I have 1 niece.
*I have been married 12 years.
*I have had over 5 speeding tickets.
*I prefer my house to be freezing cold!
*I despise socks!
*I PPH flip-flops!!!